Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Slippurinn, Reykjavík - Oil on canvas

One of the happy discoveries I made when I moved back home and saw Reykjavík  again with what felt like a brand new set of eyes, was this corner here of Geirsgata and Ægisgata.  When driving West Geirsgata you almost feel like you are about to drive into a ship.  It's a bit surreal really.  This is where ships rest on a slipway while they're being repaired or repainted  Luckily there was a beautiful red ship at the slipway when I shot the reference photo, which I've been craving to paint for months. 


Unknown said...

Just lovely. You have such talent in capturing not only the visual but adding such a wonderful feeling to your work. Beautiful painting. Thank you for sharing.

Shellhenng said...

Very nice bloog you have here