This week I post no art, ...well that is, no art work created by me, ...well, when I think about it, perhaps it is the greatest piece of art that I have made and will ever make (I love saying that cheesy joke). MY KIDS!
So I thought I'd share a bit of my inspiration, which is one of the most important things when creating art. These loud little creatures that make me as happy as they can make me crazy (more often happy than crazy).

We spent Easter in the country in my parents summer house, and it was so relaxing and cozy after the crazy busy month of March .

We played tourists and watched Geysir's little brother Strokkur erupt a few times and we watched Spring slowly (really slooowly) take over Winter.

I took my paint and brushes with me and Lára and I painted inside while the boys were outside playing on their bikes in the dirt.
Lára is my mini-me...

And no, we didn't eat all that chocolate in one day, it was just for breakfast.

Happy Spring!
I miss these guys! Such a great post.
Very thoughtfull blog
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