Drawing has always been my favorite thing to do. I doubt the day will come when I don't enjoy it anymore. Ever so often I find old drawings of mine, framed on some family members wall, and usually I find it pretty embarrassing. But this one here above, I have to admit I'm actually a little proud of.
I drew it when I was 12 years old in my grandparents summerhouse. It's of my grandpa doing a crossword puzzle, always in the same seat, in the same pose, finding the right words, ..and it actually looks kind of like him.
A recent trip to my grandparents summer house made me think of all that time I've spent drawing. And it made me realize that I might be raising a little artist in my own house :)
Yndislegt, eplið fellur ekki langt frá eikinni :) mér sýnist Lára mín erfa þína dásamlegu hæfileika.
Great! I was always drawing too--but my boys would always rather play rockets or build legos than draw, except that one of my son's school papers were covered with drawings, from kindergarten through twelfth grade and he says he doesn't like art!
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