...reminds me of this little girl....

always drawing...

drawing while eating some cheese and salmon...

drawing with a little help from big brother...

drawing and smiling...

Drawing has always been my favorite thing to do. I doubt the day will come when I don't enjoy it anymore. Ever so often I find old drawings of mine, framed on some family members wall, and usually I find it pretty embarrassing. But this one here above, I have to admit I'm actually a little proud of.
I drew it when I was 12 years old in my grandparents summerhouse. It's of my grandpa doing a crossword puzzle, always in the same seat, in the same pose, finding the right words, ..and it actually looks kind of like him.
A recent trip to my grandparents summer house made me think of all that time I've spent drawing. And it made me realize that I might be raising a little artist in my own house :)