I am honored to be featured in the latest issue of
Poets & Artists Magazine! It turned out pretty good I think. Took me a while to shoot the right "in the studio" photo, but with a great help from my husband and daughter, I think I captured what it really is like (when it's clean) :)
You can read the interview by clicking on the photos here above, or by visiting
Congrats Linda,
That is fantastic. Great article.
Keep up the beautiful work. Lára is growing so fast.
Thank you Tyler. Happy to see things are going so well for you! We have to get together soon :)
Til hamingju með þetta!!!! ég er ekkert smá stolt af þér
fallega duglega kona. Klárlega á réttri braut!
Keep up the good work ;)
Knús í hús sæta mús
Um, can I get your autograph?
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