I'm so excited to have my In the Big City illustration featured in the newest issue of Creative Quarterly!
I submitted two illustrations and they both got in, one was a Bronze Winner and got into the magazine, the other one was a Runner-Up, and is featured in the magazines Online Gallery. Better run to the next bookstore!
Töff Linda! Ég er ótrúlega ánægð með þig dugnaðarforkurinn minn og vona innilega að þér eigi eftir að ganga vel með myndirnar þínar.
Go girl!
Kveðja Árdís.
Congrats!! These are two of my favorites so I'm not suprised... (they would be fools NOT to recognize them!) Hope you're good!
Oh Yeh. You ROCK!
Takk takk, just got the issue sent home, makes me happy :)
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