I´m adding some more black and white stuff to my portfolio. This bird appeared on my sketchbook. I guess he works on Canal St. in NY and apparently always has the best deals on designer's watches. Too bad birds don't have wrists!
I worked on it here and there around the house, and it wasn't till I had scanned in my computer and opened it up, when I noticed that my bird had suddenly had an offspring, which just stood there very innocent in the corner of the paper, just to be admired by it's dad, the salesman...
snúllinn! xxBryndís
Æ, litla krúttið, hæfileikaríkur eins og mamman, frábært!!
hahahaha....snilldar mynd.
Dagur á ekki langt að sækja hæfileikana.
Knús og kossar
Þetta finnst mér ótrúlega sætt og ekki laust við að lítið gleðitár læðist fram. Og sjáðu hvað það er mikill svipur með þeim feðgum? Bara yndislegt.
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