It's been quiet here lately! But that's all gonna change now. Fall is here with its long shadows, the fresh air, leaves everywhere, crazy wind, heavy clouds and most important of all; routine. I like routine. I like vacation too, but routine is good. So, here I am, back at the drawing table, excited for winter (well, mildly excited to be honest) and ready to draw and draw. Just before I jumped on my lovely vacation in August, I finished illustrating a book by the brilliant author Gerður Kristný. I've been a fan of her work for years and to have the opportunity to illustrate her story was a dream! It's a scary story for kids and adults as I'm sure you can imagine from the cover here above. It's called ,,Dúkka", ("Doll" in English). It hits the shelves this fall, so, get it!
Every fall, when I'm back in routine like now, I throw in some photos here on my bog from my summer. Even if it's just for myself to look at once and a while when there's a blizzard outside, just to remember how great it was.
We rented a cute little apartment in Paris via airbnb. It had 98 steps to be exact up to the fifth floor. But we were a ok with that, cause we were in Paris!
We played tourists and checked out the must sees like the Arc de Triomphe...
...and biked around the Versaille (which caused the two huge band-aids on Lára's knees...
..I bought a hat and Lára took a gazillion photos of yours truly...
...and I took a bunch too (The Notre Dame is in the background).
We went to the Bastille Market and bought some gourmet stuff for a proper Paris picnic. The paté was the absolute best I've ever had, too bad that all the bee's agreed with me.
And then the view changed once we hit Spain. Chardonnay and a sketchbook. Should be the everyday view, right? Or not..
We visited the beautiful village of Altea.
An ok view from the hill in Altea.
My precious. I just noticed they actually do look a bit alike.
This guy appeared in the sand. I wonder if he's been sunbathing for too long...
Lára didn't hate the beach.
And now, back home...
playing cards with daddy and back at the drawing table.
I hope your summer was pretty spectacular and that the winter ahead will be as spectacular, if not even more spectacular then the summer!